February 15, 2016

Love Day

We didn't really celebrate Valentines Day this year.  We were all celebrated out after our early anniversary dinner.  John did give me a flower... that he stole from our neighbors bush in the front yard.  Although it crosses into our driveway so I'm not sure if that's technically stealing.  Not that our neighbor would care anyway.  He's a nice guy.  He brought us a piece of our mail that accidentally ended up in his mailbox and there was a check inside. 

We celebrated Valentines Day by doing our taxes.  It's kind of romantic cause at the end we find out how much money we're getting.  It's pretty much enough to refund our savings account from the money we took out to refinance the house.  Which we really could have done when we didn't have a mortgage payment in January but we chose to put that toward the plumbing bill to fix our messed up plumbing.  We had to finance the plumbing bill but we're trying to pay it off asap so it collects less interest.  What does this all have to do with Valentines Day?  EVERYTHING!  Money is a big deal in any long term relationship.  You have to figure all this stuff out before you get pissed at your significant other about finances and then break up.  Then what will you do on Valentines Day?  Buy yourself flowers?  Or steal your own flowers from the neighbors?  Or do your taxes by yourself?  That's no fun.  Taxes should be something you do with your soulmate.  I mean, it's fine to buy your own flowers but crunching numbers should be a couples activity. 

I should end this post before I start to ramble.  Happy day after Valentines Day! 

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