February 26, 2019

It's an anti-blogging conspiracy

The universe doesn't want me to blog today.  Usually I sit down to write in the 9 o'clock hour but I was being lazy because I've been sick.  So sat down to write in the 3 o'clock hour.  That's my back-up blogging time because Marshall is napping and Bishop is usually playing video games if he didn't get in trouble that day.  I turned my computer on and it decided to do a lengthy update that took, and I'm not exaggerating, a full hour!  By the time it was done, nap time was over and both boys were crying at me because they weren't getting their snack the split second they wanted it.  So now it's approaching 6 o'clock which is a terrible time for blogging because I have, no joke, stood up at least 3 times to mediate squabbles while typing this paragraph.  This is most high energy time of day and I need some semblance of quiet to concentrate on writing.  Now all I can think about is how annoying my kids are being and not any real topics.  This is why parent bloggers only talk about their kids.  It's hard to think about anything else. 

Marshall is 3 now!  Just like last birthday, he wasn't very happy about it.  Every time someone told him he was turning 3, he shook his head no.  Then when we sang him happy birthday, he walked into the other room right in the middle of the song.  I guess that's an improvement from last year when he started crying.  He's definitely an introvert.  The evidence continues to mount.  I'll just have to teach him everything I know.  I should probably get him a cat to bond with.  That's introversion 101: cats are your best friend. 

Anyway, I'm gonna wrap this up.  There's a constant stream of chatter coming from my right side.  Zero guesses which one it is.  It's Bishop. 

February 19, 2019

Hype Man

I didn't blog last week.  I was depressed.  But now the cloud has passed and I'm feeling like myself again, except for a minor cold.  That's almost gone too.  I told John about the depressing thoughts I was having and he agreed that those thoughts were, in fact, depressing and that made me feel a little better.  Sharing always helps even if the problems don't get solved.  It's nice to know that other people worry about the same stuff I do.  We're all in this together. 

Marshall has been getting better at talking.  It's adorable and sometimes confusing because he's so confident about what he wants to say but I have no idea what it is.  He's also recently started a very annoying habit.  Mumbling.  Honestly I can't believe I didn't see it coming.  He acts so much like me and my primary form of communication used to be mumbling.  I managed to break that habit when I started dating John because he's 30% deaf.  Hopefully this habit doesn't stick around.  Maybe having a deaf father and a loud brother will break him out of it early.  If not, I'll probably have to translate for him for the rest of my life.  So far, I speak Marshall the best.  Or maybe Bishop speaks it better than me.  He never seems to have an issue.  Also I'm pretty sure Marshall learns most of his words from Bishop.  He's a little echo.  Or back up singer.  He's everybody's hype man. 

Sometimes you just need a new perspective

February 5, 2019


It's Tuesday and I feel totally uninspired.  I had to pay bills today and on top of that, I started doing taxes as well so all of my creativity burrowed deep inside me to hide like a.... naked mole rat?  I don't really know what those are but I assume they burrow into the ground.  And that's where my creativity went: deep into the dark places of my brain while the irritated business number crunchers marched out of the prison cell I keep them in to preserve my sanity.  The prison is guarded by glow sticks and rave music.  And soft fluffy kittens.  Everything number crunchers hate so they stay in their cell. 

And now the tiny bit of creativity that I managed to squeeze out for that metaphor has been interrupted by a 5 year old who doesn't know how to do time out.  Ugh.  I give up.