October 3, 2018

The Essence of John

Today I'm going back to personality types.  I mentioned before that I found a free Myers-Briggs test so I could make John take it.  I've always felt that in certain aspects, we're basically the same person so I really wanted to know how similar our test would be.  The short answer is half.  We share half of our personality traits.  John is an ENFJ which stands for Extrovert (surprise!), Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging.  We're both intuitive feelers.  The difference is I'm an perceptive introvert and he's a judgemental extrovert.  Actually he's not judgemental.  Not much anyway.  Judging basically means he's good at making quick decisions and being on time.  Except he's not great at being on time so he's not a strong J.  I would say like a medium J. 

In a nutshell, ENFJ is that person that everyone knows.  This a perfect description for John because when we started dating, we would run into people he knew every time we went out.  I felt like I was dating a celebrity.  It helps that he's very tall and sticks out in a crowd.  He's very good at making new friends which is perfect because I suck at it. 

I was so sure Bishop would be the same type as John.  Bishop is basically his little mini-me.  However, I bought a book that helps parents type their children and he got ENFP.  I was skeptical about trying to type him so early but when I read the description for a child ENFP, it fit Bishop EXACTLY.  They are the most naturally curious out of all the types and ASK THE MOST QUESTIONS.  If Bishop is not asking questions, he's probably dead.  Many of them make me want to bang my head against the wall like in this VERY common situation:

Bishop: Mommy, can I have an apple?

Me: Yes

Bishop: Why?

Why is this a question?  Because he wants to know the exact situation and circumstance that led to him getting what he wanted.  He's a little scientist.  Also extroverts tend to think out loud.  That's why they talk so much.  This piece of information has been very helpful in figuring out which of his questions actually need an answer and which are just him thinking out loud. 

I know this post is supposed to be about John but Bishop is part John technically, so I think that counts as staying on topic.  If it weren't for John, Bishop would have no personality. 

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