October 6, 2018


Well, it only took 6 days but for the first time, I'm sitting down to write with no idea whats going to come out of me.  That's probably what Saturday's will be like.  We're leaving in 20 minutes to go to a birthday party and I know I'm not gonna want to write later. 

I started reading Les Miserables last night.  The first part is all about the Bishop.  He's basically Jesus Christ.  I can only assume he's the one who takes Jean Valjean in when he's sleeping on the streets.  This book is enormous so I'm looking forward to finding out all the extra plot.  I can see why PBS is doing a mini-series.  I'm excited to watch it.  I hope I can finish the book first.  Does anyone wanna take bets on how far I'll get?  Or how long it will take me to get through?  If I decide to take a break, it could be years.  I still haven't read the second Prince Lestat book and there's already a new one out so I'm 2 whole books behind.  I also have 4 Game of Thrones books to read.  I have 2 on audio book though so they should be easy to get through. 

I realized while I was reading Les Miserables last night, I might need reading glasses.  I've never had an issue before but the writing is pretty small and I found myself squinting a lot.  Ugh, it has begun.  Pretty soon I'm gonna be a 'glasses all the time' person.  Maybe I should get bi-focals. 

And now It's time to leave.  Well, I was somewhat coherent.  I did manage to stay on one topic. 

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