October 8, 2018


Being an adult is a weird thing.

I had a day off today.  Normally I would spend that day off doing fun things, because this is what you do with days off.  I had a Friday half day, a busy Saturday and Sunday, which means by Monday when you likewise have a day off, you have the right to sit in your pajamas and watch movies and do nothing.  Or go out and see the world when it's a gorgeous, warm fall day with the sun shining...and your day off.

I elected to do laundry, vacuum, get new tires, and unpack some more boxes.  On my day off.

I was HAPPY to do it.

Somewhere in time, sixteen year old me wants to kick thirty-two year old me in the shins for wasting a perfectly good writing day, and I kind of want to let her.  When you get to be an adult, you suddenly realize that there's a kind of peace and comfort that comes with living in a clean, well maintained home.  You actually want to do these things, because no one else is. Besides, it's your mess, you should have the decency to pick up after yourself.  I say this after having attended a birthday party for my three year old nephew this weekend whereupon none of the kids did anything remotely like clean.  They did run around in comical fashion as they went through a sadly easy scavenger hunt that my sister cleverly put together.  It was like watching heard of lemmings, but instead of running over cliffs, they were ambling from one clue to the next in their relentless search for candy and small plastic toys which will be thrown out in about a week.  I got a plastic bat ring!  I may include a picture of it later, because it is delightful.

I said this yesterday, but I'll say it again today...I DO intend to get back to my writing project.  It has not been going well the last few days so far.  I even KNOW what the next segment is going to be, but I elected to do chores and then ha a migraine...and now I'm just making up excuses.  Go read Angela's stuff!  She's on a roll!

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how much power cheap plastic toys have on little children. McDonald's knows this.
