October 14, 2018

Movie Cliche

Well, I finally missed a day.  I just realized it was day 13.  Maybe I was being subconsciously superstitious.  Or just lazy.  It was a pretty lazy weekend. 

We just watched a movie which got me thinking about a certain romance cliche.  You know the one where 2 'old souls' connect and they talk about how awful some aspect of modern life is and how they both wish it could be like the 'good old days'.  But they act like nobody else thinks this way.  Like nobody else is a 'romantic at heart' or nobody else despises hook up culture.  The main character talked about how going out on dates was old fashioned.

The feeling I get from this cliche is that people are somehow fundamentally different than they were 100 years ago.   They're not.  Sure we learn different things and have different tools to live our lives but the basic need to connect with someone is still there.  Why else would we have so many romance movies in the first place?  Even in most action movies, the main character has a love interest.  It's not like people somehow just don't want to fall in love anymore.  I know that's not really what that cliche is saying.  I might be getting a little off track. 

My favorite example of this cliche is from a movie called "They Came Together".  The movie itself is just a bundle of romantic comedy cliches.  It's really funny.  The 2 main characters bond over the fact that they both like fiction.  Then later during the "girl is out on a date with guy who's obviously not her soulmate" scene, she mentions her love of fiction and he said he doesn't read fiction because he prefers stuff that actually happened.  It's the dumbest thing ever which makes it the best. 

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