February 11, 2016


I spent a lot of time thinking about church today.  I am not at this point in time ready to put together all of my thoughts on the matter, however.  I feel like they need a few more days to simmer, and possibly for me to write some things down for myself before I string something more solid together.  I will say this, though, I am very sad for the Church today.  I'm not talking about being sad necessarily for the current climate the Church is in or the Church as it stands today, though.  I mean, thinking about these things has made me quite sad for the Church, and also quite sad for the people who feel ostracized by the Church.

I've found a lot of solace and beauty in the Church, her teachings and doctrine, and the rituals and meditations offered since I joined the Catholic faith.  The more I learn and experience, the more I fall deeper in love with my faith and feel myself drawing closer to God.  I know not everyone has had this same experience, but I wish I could share these feelings with others sometimes.  I'm pretty sure that's why I enjoy teaching RCIA so much.  I want to share the things I've experienced and the things I feel with others in a meaningful way, in a way that they can understand and maybe experience themselves.

I felt like praying for the Church and for the world today, so I prayed the Divine Mercy chaplet.  It touched me in one of those profound ways that you can't really explain.  Love to all.  I will try to make tomorrow's post more coherent and less vague, but I spent a lot of time in thought today and being unwilling to talk about until I have a better grasp on my thoughts-not to mention having nothing else to talk about-I wanted to share something meaningful-ish today.

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